Our Skin Classic
Eliminate Skin Imperfections
Skin Classic – affordable non-laser treatment for pesky skin imperfections like…skin tags, age spots, broken capillaries, milia, keratosis, Morgan Freeman spots, sebaceous hyperplasia, and more.
Treatment is quick and is just a little bit uncomfortable but so worth the results!
The process works by dehydrating the skin at the specific location of the skin irregularity, thereby killing the affected skin. Following that precision application, the skin irregularities fall off, and the skin grows into a new layer of fresh, unblemished skin.
The patient is left with new skin that is free of blemish and looks and feels exactly like new, youthful skin.
The vast majority of blemishes require only one treatment session, although particularly extensive lesions may require two.
The Skin Classic process permanently removes the offending irregularity, allowing the client to return to their normal life, blemish-free.
Get your free estimate upon consultation.
Consultations can be done virtually.